Kami sampaikan tentang The Stove is in The Kitchen dengan detail dari Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar Kurikulum Merdeka.
Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 6 Kurikulum Merdeka – The Stove is in The Kitchen
Membaca – Memirsa
Siswa mampu pahami kata-kata seringkali digunakan sehari-hari dengan menggunakan bantuan atau ilustrasi.
Siswa mampu membaca serta respon pada teks pendek sederhana serta familiar dengan bentuk tulisan maupun digital, termasuk pula teks visual, multimodal maupun intreaktif.
Look and Say
- Siswa diminta ganti gambar.
- Siswa diajak agar menirukan pengucapan semua kata. (cup, glass, spoon, fork, plate, pan, frying pan, stove, water, buthup, dipper, soap, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brush, towel)
Contoh kalimat guru:
Teacher: “Hi Children, we are going to say names of things in the kitchen and bath room. What are they? Now, repeat after me, cup, glass, …)” dan seterusnya.
Let’s Search
- Siswa diminta agar huruf-huruf acak. Mislanya kalimat guru, “let’s find the words: things in the bath room, and give circle”
- Guru member contih bagaimana temukan nama benda terhadap huruf acak.
Find the in the Kichen
- Siswa diminta agar amati gambar.
Contoh kalimat guru : “see the picture things in the kitchen”
- Siswa memberi contoh seperti isi nama-nama benda di dapur berdasarkan gambar.
Misalnya kalimat guru: “let’s we write words things in the kitchen”
- Siswa diminta isi teka-teki mengenai nama-nama benda berdasarkan gambar.
Look and Say
Made and Joshua study in the bedroom. They do not study in the living room.
Mr. Johanes works in the market He does not work in the office.
Cici eats in the kitchen. She does not eat in the dining room.
Kimi plays the ball in the yard. He does not play it in the living room
- Siswa diminta amati gambar.
- Belajar mengenai kegiatan dilakukan serta tidak dilakukan pada sebuah tempat. Siswa melihat gambar-gambar serta trukan pengucapan kalimat.
Misalnya kalimat guru bagi siswa:
- Teacher: “Hi Children, we are going learn about something that we do and we donot do in a place. Now, repeat after me” Made and Joshua study in the bedroom. They do not study in the living room. dan seterusnya
- siswa melakukan dialog bersama teman-teman menggunakan kartu sebagai suatu media.
- Siswa berkelompok 4 sampai 5 siswa.
- Semua siswa mendapat kartu bergambar suatu yang terdapat di kamar serta di kamar. Setiap anak dengan bergantian bertanya terhadap teman kelompoknya mnegenia kegiatan dilakukan di dapur, kamar mandi, kamar tidur, serta ruang tamu.
Contoh kegiatan:
Student A : (Sambil menunjukkan kartunya) “Where does Kimi eat?”
Student B : (Melihat kartu dari temannya) “ He eat in the kitchen
Look and Write
- Siswa diajak amati gambar. Kemudian guru minta siswa menuliskan nama-nama bendanya.
Contoh kalimat guru bagi siswa.
Teacher: “Look at the picture and answer my question!” “What are in the the kitchen?”
Students: “There are plate, spoon, fork, cup, glass, …” dan seterusnya.
Teacher: “Good. “What are in the the bathroom?”
Students: ”There are buthup, water, dipper, …” dan seterusnya.
Teacher: “Good job. Now write the name through the picture!”
Read and Answer
Example: Maria doesn’t eat in the living room.
1. They _________watch TV in the bathroom.
2. We __________sleep in the kitchen.
3. Aisyah _________listen to the radio in the bathroom.
4. My parents ________read newspapers in the bathroom.
5. Lili ________sleep in the garage.
6. Joshua ________study in the kitchen.
7. Made _______ see the sofa in the bathroom.
8. You _______see a blanket in the living room.
9. Mrs. Salma ______see bolster in the kitchen.
10. Cici ______ take a bath in the kitchen.
- Siswa mengidentifiasikan pernyataan.
- Siswa melakukan Tanya jawab bersama guru mengenai apa yang dilakukan serta tidak dilakukan pada sebuah tempat.
Teacher: Ok children, let’s try to identify something that we do on the right place! Are we study in the bath room?
Students: “No”
- Teacher: “Yes, that’s right. We donot study in the baht room. Dst
Let’s Write
This is my living room. My living room is big and clean. There are a sofa, a table, and a television in the living room. I watch TV in it. I love my living room.
- Siswa melanjutkan menulis cerita sesuai dengan gambar.
Contoh kalimat guru:
Ok class, open your book page sixty four, today we are going to make a story through the picture. There are some sentences and complete the story. Now, look at the picture and the sentences!
- Siswa diminta agar dapat amati gambar serta tulisan.
- Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan kalimat dengan tunjuk benda-beda dan suasana yang terdapat pada gambar.
- Pada pertemuan sebelumnya, siswa diberikan tugas menggambar maupun bawa gambar kamar tidur di rumah masing-masing. Kalimat guru: ’Ok students, can you draw your own room at home? And then you can write about your lovely room”
My New Words
Sumber Materi: Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Terbitan Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi